birding in malaysia
Enjoy all types of birding especially shorebirds mangroves and skulking rain forest species. Pheasants grouse and allies. Bird Tour Malaysia Provide Schedule Birding Tour In Monthly Basic Bird Colorful Birds Bird Species Malaysia is home to one of the oldest rainforest habitat in the world with thousands of species of flora and fauna dwelling within. . The species list for Taman Negara exceeds 300 species and so the varied and rich possibilities are entoxicating. There are a totall of 18 Important Bird Areas IBA in Peninsula Malaysia 9 are to found within the boundaries of the four states northern states. With its rich bio-diversity there are more than 742 species of the birds of Malaysia belonging to 85 families. Have lived in Malaysia for 25 years and know the birds well. These include diverse and varied habitats ranging from mangrove to lowlands and to sub alpine regions. The park encompasses a range of different forest...